Snowpiercer Watching Via Proxy New

director Bong Joon Ho / average Ratings 7,9 / 10 / writed by Jacques Lob / / genre Sci-Fi / Actor Chris Evans Alternative Server


I watched this for the first time last night, and I loved it. I agree with your interpretation. Thank you, and YES! I don't mean to be eccentric, but with how many people are so quick to hypnotically blame capitalism for the ills of the modern world, it's nice to see someone put some thought into the topic and cut through the BS. Glad to join the conversation! I definitely agree that the train system is far more an analogy for totalitarianism, or fascism (which is fake capitalism) than it is capitalism. The use of force is an essential part of the question, and something that most people miss: and the only people in the movie using offensive force is the leader. Ironically, that sort of force is illegal in a *truly* capitalist system, while being not only legal, but encouraged in centrally planned systems (i.e. any statism government. socialism, communism, fascism, interventionism, and all of the like. So I think unfortunately, the society on the train does bear an eerie resemblance to that of the modern day, but not because of freedom. the issue can really only be attributed the lack of freedom, i.e. central planning, and abuse of force. I love talking/thinking about topics like this, so if anyone else is interested, please do respond/contact me. but please keep it civil and fun, I'm only interested in learning and helping people, not getting shouted at through a computer. For more info, if you're interested, Here's a great book on the topic. And for more info on Fascism, why America isn't as free as it used to be, and why fascism is to blame, check out this book (written during WW2, by an investigative journalist, who essentially predicted the political future of the country. I haven't finished it yet, but I still wholeheartedly recommend it. Very well written, lots of interesting ideas packed in it.

I really loved this film.

Watch Dracula untold! Then Van helsing! And then I frankenstein and then Mortal instrument city of bones! That is so cool.

Has anyone connected this movie as predictive programming towards the grand solarminimum we are entering next year.

Just watched this movie last night. Honestly one of the best movies I've ever seen.

Snowpiercer tv series.

Love this sequel to Charlie and the chocolate factory

Just watched this in my cinema 203 class and it was soooooo good. Especially this scene and the ones in the elementary school train car- absolutely fantastic. This train is senseless. Sure it is a metaphorical train, but there are so many pointless fights, killings and stupid actions by the characters that after a while I was annoyed by the whole thing.
Here and there you will find some good visuals (the train running in a frozen world, the upper classes luxury) and some creepy/fascinating characters (i.e. the "sweet" children teacher or the Tilda Swinton's one) but the prolonged fightings are really bad and boring, adding nothing to the story.
In order to rexist till the end you have to suspend twice your disbelief because here we have a train perpetually running around a frozen world for 17 years but. we see people eating meat and eggs, we see even fishes and insects without explaining words (or images) about food or animal sources.
To me the most annoyng thing is the fact that on this train groups of people are suddenly starting to shot or beat the main characters often without apparent reasons.
A good idea with a bad realization.

Snowpiercer tv trailer. Hunger games in a train lol. Snowpiercer no bullets. Snowpiercer film. The generally excellent professional reviews of Snowpiercer that so frequently call it "smart" confirm my belief that most professional critics are anything but. At least private reviews are significantly less favorable.
"Grant a film its premise" is a long-held view of mine. The premise behind Snowpiercer is so utterly insipid however that I find such impossible.
That a train whose ride was ticket and running on conventional rails continues to rocket its way "around the globe" for decades becoming the only place containing human or any other high life form during seemingly endless snowfall at sub-arctic temperatures with no maintenance performed on the track and never stopping for any sort of supply is truly ignorant. Any single one of those qualifiers makes it dumb but this is beyond inane.
Perhaps the politically correction connection to global warming is the reason professional critics and many others refuse to give it the awful rating it deserves for fear of being labeled "deniers. Perhaps it is proof the the world envisioned in "Idiocracy" is far closer than I want to believe.
I will not trouble the reader with any sort of details and only suggest that watching it is a complete waste of your time.
Should you actually manage to watch the thing without dozing off and feel like using the word "smart" as a positive criticism it is time for you to consider a long stay in rehab.

Some said: Only turks could be so dishonourable taking other nations children and make them kill their fathers and brothers in battle how can any turk be proud of a history like this. I SAY: Only the europeans could be so dishonourable taking other nations languages and cultures and religions and make them kill their fathers and brothers in battle how can any european be proud of history like this. I AM TURK! MY HISTORY IS GLORIOUS ENOUGH! I AM PROUD OF A HISTORY LIKE THIS! RESEARCH PAX OTTOMANA MORE MORON! WE DIDN'T TAKE OTHER NATIONS LANGUAGE OR CULTURE OR RELIGION! TELL YOU WHAT... OUR PROUD IS OUR TOLERANCE! TOLERANCE! TOLERANCE! THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVEN'T GOT! YOU WERE THE EVIL! HOW YOU ARE PROUD OF YOUR HISTORY! I KNOW IT TOO. YOUR HISTORIANS, FILMERS, GOVERNMENTS FOOLING YOUUU IGNORANTS! WE WERE THE ANGELS YOU WERE THE EVILS. THIS IS THE FACT...

Snowpiercer tv show trailer. Snowpiercer bts. Hey this is my stop, i'm getting off. Would ruin this movie.


That escalated quickly. I am so glad that I've come across your YouTube channel! I loved your interpretation and thank you for making these videos. Konami version, please. It's really stupid how people think this a propaganda movie. This a FICTIONALISED version of Vlad the Impaler being mixed in with Bram Stoker's Dracula.

Snowpiercer 2013. Well done. Lately Ive been finding a ton of amazing movies. This was so good! Grey was awesome. Watched it, wanted to find a deeper meaning. Came here and you did a good job. Subbed. Snowpiercer full. Snowpiercer subs. Highest level of discretion, throws grenade out of the window.

Snowpiercer tv. WOW... I can't believe its almost 2019 and I'm JUST now finding out about this movie... gotta watch it.

Snowpiercer (2013. 8:58 I see what you did there.






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